It is one of those days that I felt lost, If I would grab a book I would let it go after a minute for lack of enthusiasm, The same if I have had a try with a brushes or pens, nothing made me feel relax, Even in the afternoon I though my body was screaming for a rest but soon as this body felt the cushion cried to not lay down, provoking the real world, It would be much more easy if the body would help the mind and dived in a good sleep. Tomorrow is already the day for the CT scan and what is coming to the light it is unbelievable too important, I think all days before the exams that I am ready for everything that comes from this, But afterwards when the CT scan days eve arrived I realised that I am never prepared for this and its possible consequences. In Friday I should know the details about the results and I am not counting only with the holding hands of Justyna and Olivia but all of you. It is sad to know, but when I think deeply I know that the best news it will be only the postponing of the catastrophe.
What gave me some energy was a walk with Olivia and meeting other kids in the Play centre, Now, whenever I go out with Olivia we always go provided with a plastic bag to pick up her feces.
Aimigo, vai correr tudo bem!!!Muita energia positiva!!!Mil beijinhos
Olá Helder
Passei para desejar uma boa sessâo de fotografia, nâo esquecer de dar um sorriso para que a foto fique impecável,hehehe.
Na sexta tenho tambem uma sessâo fotografica,estou a tentar controlar a ansiedade estes dias sâo dificeis mas temos de ir em frente e ocupar o tempo nem que seja num passeio o que neste periodo do ano até nâo é dificil .
Helder um abraço
As noticias vâo ser boas!
FORÇA Helder e Princesas!!
Estamos convosco!!!
Carla Damásio
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