There we are trying to put the peaces together, We still going down hill, but we have hope that we will find the way back. Olivia even if last night improved today her temperature touched again into 39 degrees, This time we went to the Emergency, there they could not do too much investigation as Olivia was only crying, She was scare not leaving nobody to touched her. She as me does not stand hospitals anymore :) Nevertheless, they gave her a medicine then the temperature dropped to 36. At least Flu should not be because, she is not showing signs of coughing.
In the morning I went with Vasco to the mass in a close Church, It was good to meditate and pray for us. With the help of all saints we well pass this another Hill. I want you all together with me. Olivia more than ever needs me, I would love to have more energy and be happy to accept all her challenges to play, This has been the harder bit.
Before bed we still managed to finish the tallest construction in our area, as you can see in the picture.
E nós todos estamos contigo sim!!!Não tenhas a menor duvida!!As melhoras da princesinha...
Olá Helder e Princesas!
Nós também estamos aqui a torcer para que tudo corra da melhor forma. As melhoras da Olivia!!
Carla Damásio
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