
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Life in the kitchen


A special event is marking the day, Yes, the elections in the USA, I hope this day will be a starting point that will bring new fresh air to our world. At least the expectations here in my home are big. To anticipate the new time of more fraternity that I hope Obama will bring with his term we are trying to cook more veg food than ever :) In this type of food Justyna is the Queen, I only can play my cards when fish is called to be cooked. The bacalhau that now I have in stock it will be my precious substance to practice my alchemist qualities.
The breakfast is our most important meal and I am back to the job in the kitchen as you see me pictured yesterday morning.


ma.jun.ja said...

so, enjoy your meal...:*

Unknown said...

Olá Helder

Cozinhar e uma arte que alimenta alma e corpo.

Esperemos que com a vitoria do obama ( já é oficial) uma nova esperança mundial renasça das cinzas qual Fenix.

Continuação das melhoras

Um abraço


Luís Ganhão said...

Hélder... "yes YOU can"

Unknown said...

Cozinar pode ser um prazer quase tão grande como comer =P
Continua a treinar!

Muitos beijos
Miss you all

prima Ana