
Saturday, November 22, 2008

use your illusion

Finally I had some energies to go outside to take some fresh air or better Justyna pushed me out, It was only an hour in the morning but enough to break the routine and feel how much cold was outdoors and wish to be back home quick. The sugars are not giving mercy as the pressure in the abdomen. I hope next week the things will improve as in the last sessions.

But, this time the pos chemo is passing so slowly, almost if it was not moving, testing my calm.

By the way is time to go to bed :)


1 comment:

Rosália said...

Olá Helder
Be strong e aguenta, pois sabes que a seguir á quimio passas um mau bocado e quando estás a ficar melhor voltas ao mesmo, mas continua em frente, pois tens muitos amigos a torcerem por ti e mantem a esperança em dias melhores, que vão chegar de certrza.