
Monday, November 17, 2008

Chemotherapy-Session 3

Tonight after the long day and arriving home I confess in spite of the confusion and tiredness there is a smell of mission accomplished, When I was set for this chemotherapy I wished this day and now we are here.
Now is waiting in two weeks for the scanning and then for the interpretations of the doctors. I will try to do what I should, I always been trying to follow the some philosophy in my life, Nothing can be taken as the last or most important thing in the world. Sometimes an unexpected decision make us progress in different track and then finding some other virtues, and now is the same, it does not help to thing as the next appointment will mean everything or nothing.

The session it was long as usual, the nurses needed to stay longer just because of me, and today Justyna cannot come with me because Oliwka was with a cold, so Miriam join me in this marathon of 10 hours. When we are inside the Chemotherapy ward the world looks like so different as I knew it. Here the Cancer is a dictator, The conversations by the people is like, "the person is beside me its tumour decreased size, she is so happy", "I have been sick all last week" and overall the faces and body of the customers in someway are marked by the fight. Today since I started the infusion of the drugs I felt agonised, only at home I tasted the real taste of the food with tasteful dinner cooked by Justa.
Well, by now I am dreaming with bed, because yesterday I barely slept, our Olivia could not sleep.
Hugs and kisses.


chora said...

ola daqui vai um grande abraço para ti e tua familia e FORÇA

Unknown said...

Olá Helder

Mais um passo em direcção à cura, continua a lutar.

As melhoras da Olivia.

Um abraço


Anonymous said...

Este dia foi tão longo...mas já passou e se for necessário estarei contigo novamente nesta maratona de 10 horas seguidas!!
Beijo grande amigo!!
