
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Little effort

Hello dear World,

I am trying to keep my position of relaxation meanwhile the boat follows in its smoothly automatic pilot, At the moment the only serious winds that I am worried is regarding to the Hyper level of my blood sugars, They are constantly and dangerously high. To this winds do not become a terrible hurricane I am slightly increasing the amount of insulin that I am administrating to myself, But for now this does not look enough, so, I hope to see next week some advise from the diabetes team. I guess that most of the tiredness that I am passing through it might be more because of that quantity of sugar that is available in my blood that is not absorbed by my organism rather than the pure effect of the chemotherapy. Nevertheless, I am trying to keep calm and think in the beautiful things that I am missing and for them become again reality to my feelings I need to generously submit to this colossal effort.

With all this extra time, as you can imagine there is plenty left to think about everything and nothing, In my state of mind the naives and surrealistic thoughts are founding the best field to grow, I hope you will forgive me that weakness. I heard that current leaders of the world are just about to splash loads of millions in a decrepit financial system which beneficiaries will be always the same ones. I will scream from here with all the my energies left, Is it possible to spend all that millions in a World where the Word, War and Disease could be replaced by love and brotherhood. Unfortunately this is also about money.
Thank you


Anonymous said...

È vergonhoso que num mundo onde, minuto a minuto,continuam a morrer pessoas à fome assistamos a estas engenharias financeiras q só servem para engordar os bolsos de alguns ou a camuflar manobras q, se calhar, nem temos capacidade para imaginar ...Um dia destes transcrevo um artigo de Boaventura Sousa Santos, vais gostar, for sure!

By the way, tu andas em piloto automático então quem é the bonitão q aparece na tua foto?? :)
Bj JuRocha

Unknown said...

Pois, esta coisa coisa de ter muito tempo livre é realmente tramada para quem está habituado ao trabalho e gosta de trabalhar...

Mas, pensar no mundo e seus problemas ajuda a manter a mente loge de outros pensamentos e reflexões menos positivas...

Muita força e muitos beijos