
Thursday, October 30, 2008

View from my bed

To reply to some demands here it goes one of my small drawings, Seriously this was not made by Olivia. This one is the view that I am enjoying big part of my day and of course night in my bedroom. What you see is what I can see from my position in bed.

The distortion perspective it could be affected by chemotherapy that I am undergo :)
This chemotherapy session it has been more difficult to past through, The bed has been bigger company this time than last session, I presume there is here the accumulation factor. Anyway there is nothing that the time will not bring to an end.
Please make sure you finished well the week


Anonymous said...


This picture is brilliant... I'd rather hang this on my wall, than some pictures that sell for millions.

Hope you get through the aftermath of this chemo session soon; I was really shocked that you had to go to hospital so soon after I saw you at UCLH, as I told Veronica that you were really well; I hope it all settles down again soon, -meanwhile publish more pictures....

Love to all 3.....especially little one


Rosália said...

Olá Helder
O teu quadro está mt giro, continua e faz mais, pois sempre estás distraido e ajuda a passar o tempo.Tem calma pois não te esqueças que "depois da tempestade vem a bonança" e esta fase dificil vai passar.
Beijinhos e boas melhoras

Unknown said...

Olá Helder

Gostei de ver o teu quadro, mostra-nos mais alguns e continua pintar.

As melhoras da ressaca da quimio.

Um abraço e força ai.
