
Monday, March 16, 2009

The car of all dreams

the week went very fast and the clock of the week went around again, Following the Gregorian calender we have tomorrow Tuesday and apparently tomorrow we will see the Surgeon to know all details missed last week, Today I feel very positive and not too anxious as last week. In my mind only lays good thoughts and sure of a good plan to tackle the remain Cancer from my Liver.

Today I went to Bills place, where once I lived to pick up a bicycle that I left there. I rode it partially in the way back home. Now on Justyna can take advantage of the good weather and restart her trips as once we used to do together. I will still wait for other opportunities. The positive atmosphere let me finish the best way this golden day, dancing with Oliwka, she was so happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Olá Helder e Princesas!

Optimismo, sim senhor! É assim que tem que ser, "é meio caminho andado". Muita força e pensamentos positivos! Vamos ACREDITAR! Nós continuamos a torcer para que tudo corra da melhor forma!!!
Aguardamos notícias!
Carla Damásio