
Friday, September 19, 2008

Limitless words


This lines wish to write also history in the sense that all of us during our life through the consecutive days and weeks we are doing small pieces of history. I would say that the difference in between my history and the History that scientists spent their time studying, is our history is made of small pictures, we never have the discernment to reach the global picture, rather than History that is aiming to study the facts with some distance giving therefore more clarity even if neglect the small and prosaic things of the life.

The last small picture is showing a day full of tension, consequences of an obsess that appeared in my back, where the pancreas lives, this also accompanied with a tiny pain in the muscles. Of course the prominence could be due to a different reasons, but for a moment I only wanted to think about the worst scenery, i.e it has emerged another tumour with the consecutive tragic consequences. The bad thoughts only were partial released when I got after a few very stressful phone calls, a confirmation of an appointment with the doctor Fasai, the operator, where I can show and discuss with him the updated facts. This appointment it will be next Wednesday. Justyna had a fundamental role today to help me to surpass the bad moments and encourage me to look for the white instead of the dark colour, She toke us to a lovely tea in a park. Shame that I could not match the summer spirit that was in the air this afternoon around London. Afterwards we went to the place were I was working before, nice to review all the friendly and unforgettable faces. We never know if one day we will not cross again.

After this intense afternoon my mind changed and slowly I could feel again the idea of living the day and its small moments, so it was me to call the family and Majka to a pizzeria in Stoke Newington. Justyna is right there is no point to think about the worst in the present before we live the future. If depends from me as I said already and I re-state again I will go until nobody went before to have back my life.

Olivia with her wisdom and graceful smile is transmitting more calmness than thousands words.

thank you love


Unknown said...

Olá Helder,

o vídeo com a Olívia, o teu anjinho gracioso, está simplesmente divinal, delicioso,... Que saudades! :)

Positivismo e força, a nossa mente tem poderes extraordinários que ainda não são conhecidos, nem estão explorados!

Mts Beijos para ti, Olivia e Justine

Prima Ana

Anonymous said...

A tua "djabô" (como será q isto se escreve em polaco?!) está cada vez mais maravilhosa... tenho imensas saudades...
Já reparaste que és um sortudo por ter uma mulher como a Justine? Escolheste bem, fico feliz por haver mais uma mulher-de-armas na familia :)
Um beijão especial para a prima Justine!
Quanto a ti só tenho uma coisa a dizer: descobristes mais um talento o dom da escrita, estás de parabéns!
Beijão da prima
Julieta Rocha