
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Classical music concert

Rarely there is an opportunity to watch a classical music concert for free, and when it comes we must be present, even more knowing how much they cost normally to attend. Thus, early we arrived in the Barnet church and reserved the first row to contemplate for the first time together a Classical music concert. The morning could not start better and it is good for Olivia to diversify her tastes.

This afternoon we had the visit of our friends Maria, Gabi and Joseph, Olivia again could play with Gabi, but there is a promise that more playing together is coming soon.

But the best news from the last times is the arriving of the baby Mafalda. Congratulations for little princess and for Cristina, You both did all the way with distinction. Now we cannot wait to see you.

Here in London the Summer is still very wet, what gives me only inspiration to do paints like this one, which I finished two days ago, I always wanted to paint the trams of Lisbon.

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