Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wait & Watch
Monday, September 29, 2008
Playing with sugars
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Day out of London II
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Day out of London
In the first day of my trip in the automatic pilot we decided to have a scale in the other English Riviera, Brighton. Unpredictable some days ago, even for me in this blog, the sun was shining all day allowing me to make some comparisons with the Summer in Portugal, with this you can see how good it was the day. I have been waiting for a year to see the seacoast, and today it was brilliant to have a contact with glacier water in the beach but overall to smell the sea and look to the horizon. This days out of home it is true that are longer but leave me more out of the same routine and almost make me forget the pains and the bad thoughts.
Friday, September 26, 2008
In automatic pilot
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Winds of new season
Smile shining
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Adamastor on the sight
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunny shining in the Park
Big kiss for all and for Mayka
Saturday, September 20, 2008
With you I will do it
Again a picture that symbolise a long way, now not a corridor but a long channel, Not only represents in metaphoric terms the way through the illness but also represents the full length that we still need to walk to conquer a more durable peace. In our mind is always without any minute of break our love, the lovely Olivia. Justyna will be always the heroine of this story, She is a mum, she is a wife, she is a friend, is a nurse, is psychologist , is everything for everybody that is around her. Who knows her knows what I am talking about. It is so much comforting for me to know how lucky Olivia is to have the best mum in the world, and of course I am the luckiest man in the world for have such a graceful human being as my partner. Impossible to feel alone with her, she told me since the beginning, "We will go through this together" and this simple words represented so much for me there and here now.
In fact between London and me there was an effect of irresistible magnetism, I could not avoid the call from London at its time, and resist the force that pull me to this metropolis. When I came I had so many dreams and ambitions, and after this time I am sure that the most important, the ones that made me bigger I achieved. I had opportunity to met so many people, big part become my regular friends, with the richness of some of them are from different backgrounds and cultures which painted me a more colourful life. In the end of the day is the best that we can have from London, the friendship and the multiculturalism. For some years I was going around meeting new people, opening new horizons, for wile studying, all in a frenetic speed but fortunately at a lucky moment I met the wonderful woman, Justyna. In a couple of years I had so happy moments and I felt so much loved, more than other time in my life. She helped to produce a reasonable man that loves and respects all his friends and not friends, I will not distinguish also the ones not humans, the animals.
This Saturday my mind was lifted up by more demonstrations of care and love from friends. It is almost the only thing that rests to me at this moment, believe me. Our WOW-Walkers of the World, a British-Latino-American group of friends that do in their free time walks through the country side, today went out for a special walk, they choose the walk to remind about me and to send me the best possible energy, wishing me better. Big kiss for you and I cannot wait to be there soon taking Olivia and Justyna.
In the Continent my Mum, father and family also united to pray for me, in a occasion of a religious party in the Algarve.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Limitless words
This lines wish to write also history in the sense that all of us during our life through the consecutive days and weeks we are doing small pieces of history. I would say that the difference in between my history and the History that scientists spent their time studying, is our history is made of small pictures, we never have the discernment to reach the global picture, rather than History that is aiming to study the facts with some distance giving therefore more clarity even if neglect the small and prosaic things of the life.
The last small picture is showing a day full of tension, consequences of an obsess that appeared in my back, where the pancreas lives, this also accompanied with a tiny pain in the muscles. Of course the prominence could be due to a different reasons, but for a moment I only wanted to think about the worst scenery, i.e it has emerged another tumour with the consecutive tragic consequences. The bad thoughts only were partial released when I got after a few very stressful phone calls, a confirmation of an appointment with the doctor Fasai, the operator, where I can show and discuss with him the updated facts. This appointment it will be next Wednesday. Justyna had a fundamental role today to help me to surpass the bad moments and encourage me to look for the white instead of the dark colour, She toke us to a lovely tea in a park. Shame that I could not match the summer spirit that was in the air this afternoon around London. Afterwards we went to the place were I was working before, nice to review all the friendly and unforgettable faces. We never know if one day we will not cross again.
After this intense afternoon my mind changed and slowly I could feel again the idea of living the day and its small moments, so it was me to call the family and Majka to a pizzeria in Stoke Newington. Justyna is right there is no point to think about the worst in the present before we live the future. If depends from me as I said already and I re-state again I will go until nobody went before to have back my life.
Olivia with her wisdom and graceful smile is transmitting more calmness than thousands words.
thank you love
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Life must be also memories
Meditation in process
Looking further
Big kiss
Monday, September 15, 2008
Cyberdog baby
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A perfect symbiosis
Saturday, September 13, 2008
At last the summer
My friend Tramadol
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Dangerous balance
The week is almost in the end, but with that is coming a visit of friend, Marian. The house will be represented by the Polish community and with that I also will be under pressure to improve my poor Polish language.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Friends every where!
So happy with myself, because even been a long day my body had a very positive answer. I had opportunity to see Shubhi as she came to visit us during her lunch time. Afterwards we went to Chestnuts Park and met with another friend, Veena. There we played cards together with Miriam, enjoying the last spells of sun for this season. In the evening I also saw Pajo and Jane. Friends is the base of my life, represents the air that feeds my breath and consequently unstoppable pulses me heart. I hope you agree, life could be only friends and the elements of the nature.
To finish the day I went to a Portuguese cafe in Camden, something that I used to do often in days of football games. Today after almost half year I went back again there and I really enjoyed, of course not for the result of the Portuguese team, we lost, but for the fact that I felt with a lot of energy and I could see myself again among normal co-citizens and feeling independent. Nice to listen the typical Portuguese swearing, even I witnessed two lads almost fighting for a tiny thing, apparently one guy was swearing to much close to the lady of the other one. Of course the reason for this grotesque episode was only too much beers. I have been distant from so many Portuguese for a while I could see that this lovely people still with the same style, long hair, strong side burns :) I also have my hair growing to match the standards.
The Independence that I felt was also because Justyna and Olivia could not come with us, so I needed to look after myself all evening. Slowly I start to increase my self-confidence. In the end I was coming home and I was feeling as small child very happy, like if I started to have permission to go out alone and of course feeling able to. It is time to the family start to do more things outdoors with the increasing of my energies.
Tonight, formally I need to apologise to the Kingdom of the animals, because I could not resist to see for too much longer a small mouse that keeps going around the house. Sorry but tonight we set five traps to catch it. We swear it was the last option, we looked for traps that would not kill the animal but it was impossible to find it leaving us only with this last chance to hunt it. If any rat read this, please let his fellow know that he must leave our flat tonight, otherwise we are about to do a crime.
Anyway I hope all other animals still could accept my friendship without resentments. My best regards Mr animal
Big kiss for all
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Can you find some differences?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Self Portrait
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A unique and true love
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Blessed man
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Ballet still on
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Long, long journey
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
One step back before two forward
At the time I am telling my day I need to confess that I am bit down, with some tears blocked in somewhere, as I have my eyes dried but my soul is hurt and my heart experimenting some pain. The only thing that is keeping and open me a smile now is my Olivia, She just now felt a sleep with her angelic expression, I cannot have enough of her look, I will fight to have that longer and longer, I promise.
Today we went for another appointment with Dr. Fasai, but rather than last time even if pragmatic this meeting the result were less apotheotic and more cold. We were expecting some date for the next operation but unfortunately the plans changed, Instead of going straight to the surgery I need to submit at least three months of chemotherapy. This is a result from a discussion between different doctors, the base was the examination done to the tumour removed before from the Pancreas. Doctor said unfortunately the tumour looked more malign than they predicted in the beginning, With this fact, firstly it is necessary to test the reaction of the metastases in the Liver for chemotherapy, If stagnate or shrank after the process . This strategy is more reasonable rather than undertake an operation now, and after do the chemotherapy. This could lead to the scenery of a growth of the metastases in the Liver after the operation but then it would be impossible to put me to another surgery.
Consequently, the idea is to meet Dr Caplin and Dr Tim Meyer, last one is the specialist in chemotherapy, and after three months of the bitter taste of the chemicals I would be examined and then I could go for more chemotherapy or already for the operation. For this reason I have already an appointment with the surgeon booked for three months time. And the chemotherapy should start in two to four weeks.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What is out there?
The walk that I undertook today was longer than other days also I added some exercises to improve my fitness. I tried to march with stronger movements of arms and a deep breath at the same time like if was in the Army. As if another battle would come.
I am happy as slowly I start to feel my condition back, stronger and also so far I found the new formula to tackle the diabetes, injecting three times a day it worked very well today. The levels of sugar in the blood were under controlled.
Also my evenings are very enjoyable, because if before I was feeling a pain where the tumour was located, now I just feel the pain of healing, which is bearing and much more healthy :) Thus I can read and playing with Olivia at home. In the countdown for the next operation to Liver, I feel weird, if I want that the next operation come quick as possible to turn this page, to another one, at the same time I want that all that days until there could be as longer as possible, probably a desire and pretension that any single day could reserve me something special, be unique.
In advance for tomorrow afternoon meeting with the surgeon, already this evening I took my shower, a task that the smooth hands of Justyna is the must. I am giving all the importance to the appointment of tomorrow, hoping that I will not be disappointed. Without any thought to interfere in the doctors job, I will try to press him to set a date for the next operation. The out come of Tomorrow it still an incognito equation for us, again we can expect all and nothing from the doctors. We will count with your fingers crossed.
Beijos de todos para todos
In between the storms
We all woke up later this morning, demanding after a rush to get on time for the appointment with the doctor of the diabetes. It was an opportunity to ask some questions and we got really very good and practical explanations. She said to us that the fact that the half of the pancreas that was now remove - the tail, could made the scenery less badly, because the top of the pancreas is the part where the majority of insulin is produced and that one still active, regarding to the liver she was more realistic than optimistic, depending from how much it will be cut it in the surgery, from 50% up to 80%, my body it will need to adapt, and this could take me two years. Because the Liver also stores sugars again the levels of insulin that I am injecting will need to be adjusted.
Additional she advised me to take three times day insulin instead of two and less amount in each, aiming the meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lastly she made me feel that what is waiting for me is not an impossible task, like if some other people have past already through the same.
In the afternoon after the appointment all the family relaxed and did a small picnic in the canteen of UCL Hospital, Justyna brought some salads from the Sunsbury. For moments I looked outside the canteen and I thought how much the things have changed since I have been there last time. Now I could appreciate all the peoples movements outside, the people running around the main streets and metro station, before when I was coming downstairs to the canteen barely I could looked around me, I was living inside my shell.
Though the difficulties we had and the storms that still to approach us very soon, now it is time to enjoy our sailing through the sea, smoothly we are going through different ports and like any sailor before the tempest take advantage to look after other details and organize all to be ready for the big moment.
Love for all