
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Silly season

The story from yesterday please take it as only a divagation, because here in the blog I want to write only stories of love, nothing and nobody should be treated less than I want to myself, So without any limits I always desire the best to all the friends, The friends are all the brothers and sisters that are moving in the same way as me :)
Today the works and painting has finished, The house lost its smallest tenant, the mould, but also was not paying, therefore is out, Now the house gain other freshness, the walls of the house are combined with the colours of Magnolia and the white. Now everything is ready to welcome the Easter and of course my mum. She arrives tomorrow to be present through the operation, next week. Important that she brings the luggage full of love and hope to open it after the operation.

To my side I tried to relax with another chapter of acupuncture this afternoon, the last before operation.

Good night

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Olá Helder and family
Gostei da foto ,tudo indica que mais ano menos ano temos actores e actrizes só falta o narizinho vermelho nâo esquecer esse detalhe.
Passei para desejar um domingo de Pascoa cheio de coisas boas e pelos menos uma amendoa de chocolate ou açucar pois eu sei que por aí é preciso ter cuidado com os açucares hehe.
abraço e beijocas para as (pequenas)hehe