
Friday, April 17, 2009

** breaking news 2 **

After more than 8 hours in the operations theatre, Helder is now resting at the intensive treatment unit. He looks great and actually feels great. In his own words: "I cannot describe the happyness and relief that Im feeling at this moment".
Maybe tomorrow or the day after he will be able to answer your phone calls. Meanwhile, he sends kisses and hugs to all of you.


Unknown said...

All our strenght and love are there with you.
Big kisses
and some in particular for Justa ant aunt Rosinda
Lots of love for the litle princess

prima Ana

Anonymous said...

Hello from Seattle,
Happy to know that everything went well.
Give my regards to Helder and all the familly.

Rosália said...

Que boas noticias. O pior já passou,agora temos pela frente uma bela duma recuperação.
Beijinhos e boas melhoras