After a trouble in our connection yesterday that left us without Internet and then missed the opportunity to update the blog, the problem apparently it was somebody that unplugged the connection outside doors, it will requires a detailed investigation from me after the operation :) Now the priority is to relax and try to enjoy the last days as much as I can, something that starts to be difficult. To keep the good thoughts and hope in the top of my mind is not an easy task. The discomfort around the last operation comeback again and straight my energies and mood reflects negatively. But I still have 3 days to built up the perfect man to go for this, this man cannot feel weak for the misfortune, acknowledge that are always more dramatic situations. Tears is something that today I was close but must be vanished from the horizon until Thursday. This last days I am having a great time with my mum, chanting until there is no more conversation and also just stay together is great for the soul. I presume that is good for both, I feel that she is in a very tension, the nervous are present.
This year we had a proper Polish Easter, yesterday we took a basket with food to the Church to be blessed. And today in the breakfast we ate the holly food, In the basket there were sausages, soft eggs, Polish salads, bigos and additional Portuguese food and of course the folar from the Algarve. Afterwards we went to the mass in the Polish church to witnessed the Eucharist.
The lunch was with our friends Kaska and Rafi, they are always around when we need, this made the friends.
The afternoon it was not great, The day of operation until now has been existing in my mind as something very faraway, but now is there I can see and is impossible to run away. I do not see the time I can seat as now and do not have the disease always in my plans, the problem is I do not believe already in that time.
Big big huge,
We all were painting eggs to be blessed according to the Polish tradition
Now our lunch
Olá Helder e família!
Pensamentos positivos e muita força!!
Aproveita bem estes dias de mimos, pois são dos melhores medicamentos para que o bem-estar!
Tudo de bom!!
Boa Páscoa!!
Carla Damásio
OLÁ Helder
Venho lembrar que uma coisa que dá muito jeito sâo as sessôes de AMIGOTERAPIA hehehe eu pelo que tenho lido julgo que nao tens faltado a estas sessôes e isso é bom , eu tento participar nessas sessôes mas estou um pouco longe hehehe.
Helder vou deixar aqui o meu email para saber noticias da facadita ,ok?
pois vai ser dificil no 1º ou 2º dia estar com comp. na emfermaria e eu gostava de saber noticias ok ?
É claro que VAI CORRER TUDO BEM .Helder é preciso olhar para esse dia como um dia de inicio de uma nova caminhada sem stress com muitos momentos de felicidade na companhia (no teu caso )da mulher e filhota .
Um Abraço
Happy Easter for all Assuncaos.Kisses:* Majka :)
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