
Monday, June 29, 2009


I praise the lessons from Sidhartha, I have been in this life for 37 years, I past through different schools, I met a great teachers, but though it is in the life where I been found must of all the lessons to have some peace. I must take full understand from what the life has been put it in front of me, Special what happened in the last year it only will make sense if I carry on with that experience in my bag. Now I know that the happiness will never be found in the money, in the glamour, in the school certificates but yes, in the trivial things, in a single afternoon with Olivia, With a chat with a friend, In a tender gesture with an animal, In a foolish walk to nowhere.
This afternoon I was for sure the happiest father in the world, It was enough to have a cuddle from Olivia when she was coming to me in the park, This afternoon it was only me and Olivia. The pictures bellow is about that moment, Olivia does not do my task of choosing pictures easy, I love all of them.
But the day was also very stressful, In the morning we went to the doctor regarding to some spots in Olivia's face, She told us that it can be Chicken Pox, If it is, let us see if they let us travel tomorrow, Sometimes in the airport they are very strict because spreading of diseases.
But in the evening the worst happen, again Olivia had other crises, just stooped breathing, Justyna was in panic until she start again to breath, The doctors said to us to do not worry, but it is very frightening to witness.
Meanwhile I guess the life must be the simple afternoons as I had today.
From us to our friends from UK, see you soon, and to the friends in Portugal see you tomorrow .

1 comment:

Carla said...

Olá Helder e princesas!
Cá esperamos, mas cuidado se for varicela. É preciso resgaurdar Olivia, pois podem surgir complicações.
Se for preciso ajuda, estará cá uma enfermeira a esperar-vos. Já tenho experiência de 2 varicelas seguidas cá em casa, no passado mês de Dezembro.
Tenho bilhetes para o Krazy World se puderem e quiserem ir nos 2 próximos fins de semana.
Beijinhos e boa viagem
Carla Damásio