
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Party time

Ola meus amigos,

We are almost away again, uipy :) Olivia will be the centre again, whole family and friends to discover. The grandparents and cuisines cannot waiting. We will be based in Justynas parents house in Wrabczyn close to Poznan, after we are planning to go for a weekend in Krakow to meet Justynas friends from her university, I hope it will not be so much cold, I still have in my mind what her grandfather once told me, some years ago the temperatures there drooped to -42 degrees, This I will not stand.

Now we are packing our luggage, as during the day we went to help Shubi to paint her room, actually it was Justyna who worked with Shubi and I was taking care of Olivia.


Anonymous said...

Ola Heldinha!!Este video esta lindo!!!Bjokas pa todos!!

Unknown said...

Olá Helder
O video está giro,a flor está encantada com o malmequer que o pai tem na cabeça hehehe
Pelo que vejo está tudo a correr bem eu tambem estou rolando..
um abraço