
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Girls friends

Ola meus caros amigos,

Today I had a beautiful surprise made by friends, It was lunch time and a courier brought to Olivia a high chair, something that she did not have it and really needed. Straight when she found herself on the top of the chair she was so happy, like if the princess have finally her seat on the top of the world. Already before, whenever we were eating out she always enjoyed the high chairs. The surprise came from somebody I cannot expected much more, because their presence and help it has been behind our imagination. Olivia will never forget your great help in this storming times, It is very invigorating to know that you are always close to us. You must know that you are also in our hearts. Thank you Ana Rita, Filipa, Patricia, Cristina, Daniela, Sofia and Carla. Also, the girls of my life :)
It was another day that pass by, The Polish friends, Agas which arrived yesterday and Jacek that arrived today went with Justyna and Olivia to the town, I wrongly decided to stay alone at home. It was one of those days that I should not be alone, as for no reason I decided to stay alone at home and left with my deep thoughts. it is cyclic, each week there is always one bad day, so tomorrow I will follow the rule and I will awake in better mood. Tomorrow I will try to go to the centre with them. Anyway in the afternoon I started to catch a very funny old English series in DVD, the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. Pure English humour for who likes :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Olá Helder!!
O que é isso???? Nada de estar em baixo... Para a frente é que é caminho, lembras-te? Um dia de cada vez é certo, mas os dias são semanas e as semanas são meses... vamos... força... passo a passo, a caminhada há-de ser feita com as tuas duas princesas e sabes que tens muita gente que gosta de ti a torcer por ti.