
Friday, July 30, 2010

Life too short

Sad morning, to wake up with the unexpected news that announced Antonio Feio death, After more than a year since started his journey against the Cancer he has departed. Some time ago, to know the death of a public person or not in that circumstances would touch me but I would carry on with my life, now being in the other side also with Cancer in the Pancreas this news hurts so much, deeply, as losing something that I do not know what. I do not know how many days I will think about him. It is true, the reason is not only to know that Feio has died but is also for confessed egoistic reasons, the comparisons are crossing all the time my mind. Such a fighter and a positive person could not beat the Cancer why I would do it? This week other innocent man Tiago Alves has already fall under its strength. I do not like to focus or highlight somebody for being famous or rich but when I am speaking about Tiago Alves or Antonio Feio I am also doing for what they represent, as a symbol and examples. We cannot forget all the others Antonios Bonitos that died in the same circumstances, suffering to carry on and holding they lives until the last.
Lots of love for them and for whoever is suffering.

1 comment:

mrosaliajose said...

lots of love for you my dear friend.Temos que ser muito positivos e continuar a nossa luta e ter sempre presente as bonitas palavras do amigo TONy "SEJAM FELIZES E AJUDEM-SE UNS AOS OUTROS"
