I am still living in the hangover of the last day. Just has been given to me the right to dream, There is no better sensation. During the morning also the Sun join us to the party of life. So happy to see Justyna happier, in her beautiful colourful long skirt.
I would not mind to live “the today” for more a couple of days, like if the time stopped for a while and I could do few things that I am missing so much and the call of the surgery will not allow me to do in the next months. Should be given that opportunity and I would take my princess to Portugal, to enjoy the presence of all the family and friends. Having a quite evening seeing the sun setting at any beach in Alentejo also will not be missed. Meanwhile we are fulfil with some other small pleasures in the daily basis as sleep and rest a lots :)
Funny that in this days slowly the real Helder that you all know has been arisen and hiding the other Helder that born after the Cancer arrive. I explain, all the time after been diagnosed the tumour and the poor perspectives of live (accidentally, googeling in the internet I found that only 3% of the patients with this cancer lives behind 2 years) I developed an alter ego. This other Helder, rather than the one you know was created and fit to fight the Cancer and the death, Without self-pity but probably more egoist.
But now with the first good news after two months I am scare that the fearless Helder could vanish, as he is still necessary.
Though you do not know the last Helder, you friends, all helped to build up his energies and confidence in a better tomorrow :)
Today I started the procedures for the last test that can open the entire door for a desired operation, It was afternoon and last me only five minutes in a special room from the nuclear medicine department to be injected by the nurse with some special radioactive substance - Octreotide, that aims to be absorbed by the carcinoid tumour and then showing where the Net started and spread. So, tomorrow I will be put forward for a battery of pictures that we hope confirm all what we know already.
I would not mind to live “the today” for more a couple of days, like if the time stopped for a while and I could do few things that I am missing so much and the call of the surgery will not allow me to do in the next months. Should be given that opportunity and I would take my princess to Portugal, to enjoy the presence of all the family and friends. Having a quite evening seeing the sun setting at any beach in Alentejo also will not be missed. Meanwhile we are fulfil with some other small pleasures in the daily basis as sleep and rest a lots :)
Funny that in this days slowly the real Helder that you all know has been arisen and hiding the other Helder that born after the Cancer arrive. I explain, all the time after been diagnosed the tumour and the poor perspectives of live (accidentally, googeling in the internet I found that only 3% of the patients with this cancer lives behind 2 years) I developed an alter ego. This other Helder, rather than the one you know was created and fit to fight the Cancer and the death, Without self-pity but probably more egoist.
But now with the first good news after two months I am scare that the fearless Helder could vanish, as he is still necessary.
Though you do not know the last Helder, you friends, all helped to build up his energies and confidence in a better tomorrow :)
Today I started the procedures for the last test that can open the entire door for a desired operation, It was afternoon and last me only five minutes in a special room from the nuclear medicine department to be injected by the nurse with some special radioactive substance - Octreotide, that aims to be absorbed by the carcinoid tumour and then showing where the Net started and spread. So, tomorrow I will be put forward for a battery of pictures that we hope confirm all what we know already.
Até amanha
Soon you 3 will be enjoying the warm waters of Algarve.
I am sure the results will be what we all expect.
Sorry if the spot is not so secret as you think. :-)
So good are the memories when I look to the beautyfull picture.
Sometimes come to my memory one weekend, with all the guys, when you see one of us smelling the soap during the bath. As one of the greatest Sporting coaches said: "You know of what i'm talking about".
This is a good place for sharing old memories. Thanks Helder.
Pedro Neiva
Fantásticas noticias!
É muito bom poder estar mais perto de ti ao ler todos os teus textos, relatos de bons e maus momentos, partilhamo-los contigo realmente, apesar da distância.
Fico mto feliz pelas novidades,é um longo e doloroso caminho,mas como podes ver a tua coragem e persistência e a da Justina, são sem dúvida parte da solução! À dois meses atrás esta hipotese nem estava na mesa e talvez de hoje a oito dias já possa ser uma realidade : ) Aproveitem muito bem estes dias,ganha forças, goza as tuas princesas, sê egoista, faz o te apetecer,mima-te e mima-as.
Por aqui envio-te um raios de sol e o barulho das ondas...para te animar. Que em breve poderas escutar com a tua Olivia junto de todos os amigos e familiares.
Be happy : ))
Força amigo,um beijo enorme para ti, justina e princesa Olivia
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