If there was time the main role was in the doctors side, now after the surgery it past to my side again. Few but big things I need to take in all the days of my recovering. No stress, even if the time is not playing in my favour. It means if the game would finish now I would be defeated. I need to keep a strict control of my sugars levels and then my diet to maximize all the healing process.
With all that in my mind today it was a calm and relaxed day and with a small steps forward, The allergy looked that it improved, the rush is not so intense and I hope that will disappear soon. At the same time for the first time the body showed signs that can start to adapt to the new levels of insulin, since the morning that the sugars levels has been in reasonable levels. This helps me to satisfy my appetite, by the way the appetite is something that I never missed even against the prediction of the doctor.
Additionally I went for my daily walk, and it was quite a long walk and I still had some energies left.
Finally finish with this lines and looking in Olivia.
Hugs and kisses
PS: We see me in my recovering bulb
Olá estás um máximo ; )
Com calma vais recuperar, o teu organismo precisa de algum tempo para se adaptar às mudanças...
Gostei mto de ver na tua 'bolha', beijos para os três e continua assim!
Olá Helder
Continua com esse espirito que a recuperação será mais rápida, "o que não nos derruba torna-nos mais fortes".
Um abraço
Até pareces o Cristiano Ronaldo a apanhar Banhos de Sol :-)
Olá moço,
sou a Sandra, a colega da tua prima Julieta, espero q te lembres de mim.
Desejo-te toda a força do mundo, tens uma filha linda e uma esposa maravilhosa, e muitos amigos a pensar em ti e a torcer. É só uma fase ruim q vai passar rapidamente e vais recuperar graças a esse teu espirito e pessoa espectacular q tu és.
Um beijinho enorme
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