It is good when after such sinuous and tortuous way we have the opportunity to enjoy just a normal single day. Such a lovely day the Gods offered to us, sun was shining all our spirits, and the river Lee opened its arms to show all its brightness. Even the ducks and swans earned extra food because of generosity of my mum, She brought all bread left over and throw to all birds that come closer.
Together we did a walk along the river only stopping in a sympathetic bar on the way and away from house, it was time to sat down and enjoy a tea, substituted of the beer by long time already. But no complains. After just enjoy reading of a book, like if I was in Fonte da Telha in Portugal some years back. Now with the advantage of be accompanied by my family, Olivia did not stop her complicit smiles with me. If it has been hard for me all this time I have seen her in an intermittent basis when I was hospitalised and also now to take her in my lap or in my arms is something that I am still forbidden, but had been balanced with a small tenderness moments with my love. Sometimes I think we know already each other very well for a long time. She always exchange a laugh and a beautiful expression when I need. She is everything.
It is such a pleasure to could relax and for a while forget the troubles and do not do any plans just take the life and the day as it comes.
I hope that the sun keeps shinning behind the summer that now is about to flying away, for all of US.
Olá Helder. Parabens pela coragem que demonstras e transmites nas tuas "lições para a vida".Acho ewspetacular a tua maneira de escrever, continua pois sabes que tens um grande "pelotão" a torcer por ti. Gogogogogogo
Lots of kisses for all of you
Peço desculpa por discordar... mas é uma foto Extraordinária :-)
Big Kisses Luís e Nucha
Simplesmente fantástica a foto
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