For now I am ready and fit enough to face another chemotherapy session this Monday, I had some complains about a pain or colic that I have sometimes in the Liver, about that the doctor could not tell too much, all will be answered in the CT scan that I should have it in 4 weeks time. To be honest this appointments like today when there is not any big event to be discussed, like a scan to be known, any decision to be taken either operation or chemotherapy, I take it as a walk in the red carpet or a day off that I can enjoy out with family and topping the cake with cherry having a lunch out. It is so good to not have the stress of the big days. I know those days will come soon, so let me take advantage of this small days.
I did not photographed but me and Justyna witnessed by our own eyes the first Crocus flower of the year what made us very happy, it means the Spring must be around the corner. I believe in that against all the appearances.
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