
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Toxic environment

Since last week this house become an authentic factory, All the family has been very active. The alternative diet based in a lot of vegetables, salads, most of them raw, added and flavoured frequently with beans is making the most from our intestines. I am the King but I have followers, Justyna is the Queen and Olivia is of course the Princess of the Farting. The smell is abundant but the fact of we being used to it, help to survive in this environment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Estivemos a ler os teus textos, fotos e a qualidade do blog deixa-nos sempre surpreendidos, Parabéns! Que bom que a Olivia ficou na escolinha por horas!!! devagarinho lá se vai adaptando, Hoje tivemos um dia de verão lembramo-nos de vocês com saudades, mas Agosto chega rapidinho. Abração muito forte: ju+zeca