
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Still Summer

The predictions for the next days are the best, the Sun is about to come back, to visit us again. Even, if it is not punctual anymore, it is always welcome.

Olivia today took me to the park with her doll, I was as surprised as in shock when she told me that she did not bring milk to her friend doll so she would need to breast feed her :)

In the afternoon we had the visit of our friends that we have not see since we went in holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Olá Helder!!

Que bom sinal a Olivia amamentar as suas filhas!!! Sinal que está desperta para a amamentação!! A Marta tembém tem amamentado... Bjos para todos!!! Tudo de bom!! :)
Carla Damásio