
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Looking for the future

Sorry for the traditionalist, but I am sure most of you will understand my new calender that now on we adopted here at home, The New Year will start at 16 of April, So today we are 28 days away from the New Years Eve. And Today we started to organize our lives for the party at New Years Eve, My Mum will come to London to give me the emotional support that only a Mum can give but also to help Justyna with Olivia, Because Olivia cannot be too long in the Hospital, and then Justyna and my mum can replace each other in order to have always one love close to me, You can tell, This guy is really a ultra protected kid :)

Also a cousin of Justyna will come, In his case is more because we want to help him, We think probably here it will be easy for him to find a job and save some money.

Also we are studying the best way to spend the time left until the End of the Year, any trip to overseas, to the countryside or to the Coast, all chances are open and in discussion, But of course we need to decide quick :) Also I am planning to do some sessions of acupuncture.
Meanwhile today we woke up earlier and had a lovely breakfast. Regarding to meals Justyna now is always surprising me with majestic banquets, Yesterday was a lovely backed Aubergine and today it was a Japanese Stir fried with a full Japanese service, including plates and shop sticks. In this way, I cannot imagine what will wait for me on the table tomorrow. My liver is cheering up with the offer as it will need to be strong

If last Sunday I had the pleasure to announce the arrival of the Spring in the London shore, today I almost can announce this time the arrival of the Summer in this stops, and of course we were there in a bench in the closest park.

See you soon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Olá Helder e Princesas!

Amor e mimo nunca são demais!
Desejo-vos um bom final de ano e que o próximo seja repleto de alegrias!!!
Beijinhos para todos!
Carla Damásio