
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Finally peace

Ola meus amores,

It is difficult today to start this lines, I do not know where to start, Well I will start from somewhere, Today I needed to do two visits to the Hospital to complete two tasks, In the morning the visit it was to do blood tests that checked the behaving of the Hormones, This needs to be carry out when I am fasting and the blood sample needs to be stored straight away in ice. In a rush I came back home and have a meal already cooked by Justyna. I was starving.

After it started the restlessness, after lunch there was two hours left I needed to fill up with something. I did not know what to do, I meditated, I crab a book, I tried to sleep, I went to toilets ten times, but nothing helped me to consume that time, Probably the longest two hours of my life. It was three O'clock when Olivia woke up and finally we thought the time to depart arrived. All day I was extremely positive but now in the way to the meeting I restart to question again everything.

In Hospital I saw straight in the waiting room Dr Fusai what made me even more nervous, in a space of minutes his collaborator, Dr Li called me, and then humbly I went to his room hoping that the punishment would not be so severe, in the end I am not such a bad guy. I sat down and even before anything the doctor said,- your operation is going ahead, this with a big smile, In his shadow there was another two big smiles, probably even bigger. Justa and me cannot refrain, we were the happiest couple in that moment inside that small room. The way he said I realised that today I only will have good news, The details that come after for me will be only that, details, I was happy in the sky. They looked at all pictures of MRI and CT scan and there is no trace of cancer in Pancreas or whatever, In the Pancreas it might be some liquid or blood left from the first surgery, and now when they tackled the Liver they probably open a small hole to draw that blood, and this might also be the cause of my back pain.

But, back to the Liver, this is the Liver day, it will be a major operation already booked for Thursday 16 of April, fortunately they did some calculations and looks the resection will be around 60% of the Liver and not 70 or 80% as they thought in the beginning, because of that it will not be necessary to blocked one of the veins that feeds the Liver as they forecasted in the beginning. And Also it will be more unlikely to happen a Liver dysfunction, this is normally one of the biggest risk for life after this operation. Complementing the act I might need one or two transfusion of blood depending how much blood will be lost during surgery. I should be few days in the Intense care unit and two weeks overall in the Hospital to recover before been sent home.

The doctor mentioned to me to expect from this operation more pain and hard work after the operation because the surgery implies bigger cut and the ribs will be necessary to be lifted to let the man reach the mine where is the gold liver. The organ is expected to regrowth 90% of its size in only 2 months even if it will never gain is normal shape. Lets see how will be with my lazy Liver. To finish the doctor told me what we already are aware, after the operation it might be necessary to do more chemotherapy, this depends from the the analyses that will be carry out to the sample of the Liver. But let us think about one step at a time.

Last procedure before the operation is to go the Hospital next Monday in order to do an assessment to my healthy condition, speaking with the anesthetists and finally try to be happy and relax before be submitted to a serious job.

Apparently will be almost coincident with Olivias birthday, at 21 of April, We will do a small party after get home, All world are invited for the party :)



Anonymous said...

Olá Helder
Estou muito contente com essas noticias ,portanto agora é necessário uma boa alimentaçâo para o corpinho depois aguentar melhor o pôs operatório .
Helder continua tranquilo e nada de stress ok? a ansiedade é dificil de vencer mas é possivel e rodeado dos teus amores é mais facil hehe
Bom um bom dia e tudo a correr pelo melhor eu estou por aqui .
ABRAÇO E beijocas para as girls

Unknown said...

Oi !!!
Que felicidade pelos novos desenvolvimentos... =D
Muita força e calma para superar a ansiedade de chegar ao 16 de Abril

Mts beijinhos
prima Ana

margarida said...

Viva amigo
que feliz que estou com as boas noticias.
Continua com essa força e muito positivismo que é meio caminho andado.
Beijos para as princeças e claro um grande para ti.
maria João

Unknown said...

Fiquei mesmo muito feliz por ti, continua assim, um dia de cada vez. Aproveita este tempo até à operação ao maximo, alimenta-te e descansa, depois muita coragem para superar tudo e no fim- pronto, tudo vai voltar como antes, viver saudavel para sempre com as tuas 2 meninas lindas.
Três enormes beijinhos para vocês.
Vossa amiga

Anonymous said...

Olá Helder e Princesas!

Força na luta! Tens razão: um passo de cada vez! Aproveita cada dia que passa. Cuida-te e amem-se muito! O amor também ajuda muito!
Estaremos a torcer para que tudo corra da melhor forma!
Beijinhos para todos.
Carla Damásio