
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Difficult to smile


Today we took all day to sort out our filings from the new computer that we bought.
In spite of all work I could not relax too much, I feel the nervous and anxiety around me, I cannot do nothing. Tomorrow I will go again to the Royal Free Hospital, now to have an appointment with Dr Tim Myer, the Oncologist responsible for the chemotherapy, I think I do not have too much to discuss with him, but we never know, the World is full of surprises.
The good thing is Oliwia looks that is sort out the diarrhea problem, finally.


Anonymous said...

Olá Helder e Princesas!

Nós estamos a torcer para que tudo corra pelo melhor!
Vamos em frente, não desistas da luta!!
Beijinhos para todos.
Carla Damásio

Anonymous said...

Ola Helderão,

Estou com os meus irmãos Nuno e Luis na Aroeira e queriamos enviar-te um abraço forte e muita energia positiva. Estivemos na Fonte da Telha e pensámos em ti...
Beijos para as tuas Princesas e para ti.
Filipa, Nuno e Luis