At last again a day that brought me more light than darkness, After been so stressful last week, full of pessimism and morbid thoughts this Thursday had a much more human and friendly face. The hope that increased in our spirits is because, instead of being under the dictatorship of the sugars, the glucose behaved more normal and controlled, like some weeks ago. Thus, for the first day I did not find myself strangling with headaches and tiredness. It released me to enjoy a higher quality of day, We could walk around and read more, and of course just relax and take the last spells of sun in the park. Even the day paid me with the bonus of a lovely Polish dinner superbly cooked by Rafi & Kaska, though only was missing the potatoes :)
In the Business, also something moved on, we had the confirmation of an appointment with the Oncologist responsible for the chemotherapy for tomorrow morning, The next stage is getting closer, tackling the liver, the filter and the storing organ by its nature. I just know that I will have the drugs for at least three months, all the other details I will be informed tomorrow. The Surgeon did not want to advance whatever, as he would be the person responsible for the hardware, the open and cutting stuff and the Oncologist as the responsible for the Software knows about the therapy and the pills. Therefore I hope, next week I would start the sessions.
My last wish is that sessions lasting until the evenings, in that way I still can managed to go back to the clubs in Soho, imagine it will not be necessary to have any alcohol or pills to have the rave spirit. It will be all stones for free:) Luckily I will have the Saturdays mornings to my hangovers
Ate amanha
Fiquei mt contente com as boas novas e por saber q já te sentes diferente!
Com recurso à minha "costela de médico" (Acho que todos nós temos uma! :) LOL) e tendo em conta as tuas descriçoes nestes últimos tempos, eu diria que o descontrolo dos teus açucares estão fortemente relacionados com a tua ansiedade e nervosismo... Ai ai ai!!!
Eh pá, não pode ser! E que tal dedicares-te a fazer alguma meditação???!!!
Mts Beijinhos pra ti e prás lindas princesas
prima Ana
Ao menos apanhaste Sol. Não se pode ter tudo, senão tinhas comido batatas.
1 abraço
Queridos Helder, Justyna & Olivia,
I have been visiting the blog regularly.
Positivity is key, keep the optimism up! I know that is not easy, but be sure that you are in our thoughts and you can count on us always!!!
At least we will have a few more days of sunshine to help keep you smiling!!! Yeeeeee
With love,
Ana & Co
Comidinha, Comidinha tem de ter batatas e arroz....isso não teve graça nenhuma,estou solidária contigo... :):)
Estou cada vez mais maravilhada contigo, para além do jeitinho para escrever outro dom is borning: fotografia
Aconselho-te que sejas cuidadoso a premir o botão para não ficarem tremidas (gosto sempre de pensar q os outros podem ser azelhas como eu)!
Diz-se q um "gesto vale mais q mil palavras" pois eu diria que não dizes na escrita está lá na imagem, é só decifrar..
A foto das cadeiras está super!
E q tal,qd isto acabar, promoveres uma exposição:
"Fotos que Falam"
Beijão pra ti, big hug prá Just e beijinho pró djabô querido
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