
Monday, November 28, 2011

Goodbye Henrique

It is hard to tell goodbye to who we like, He was a recent friend but a Friend, He come to help me when he needed help himself, Henrique made me remember Dom Quixote, gentle, genuine, full of humour, human, sweet and courageous. His blog was full of humour, brilliant and always careful towards the others, he knew how important was what he was writing, and the people who were reading.

Last time I saw Henrique was in August and then he was in the Hospital, very weak but nevertheless he told me something which I think describes well his character and who he was, Even ill, in bed he had an argument with a doctor who did not care enough for other patient who was also in a very bad situation. He was always with the weaker and defenceless side. I do remember as well in other occasion when he was in the Hospital he met a person who did not have a family in Portugal so was very lonely, and when he came out from the hospital Henrique managed to get him a laptop to release his loneliness.

As I told, I did not know him for a long time but I can imagine how was his life, full of generosity. Thank you for this years of friendship and your lessons. I will miss our coffee in Portugal and listening to your long and vibrant talks.

See you around our friend.

1 comment:

Branca said...

Vim partilhar consigo esta dor e esta saudade pela partida do nosso amigo Jorge. Ontem vim por aqui visitar este espaço, ver como estava, sei como o Jorge lhe era dedicado e sei que ele gostaria.
Ele era mesmo como o descreve aqui, embora o meu inglês seja fraco percebi como conseguiu transmitir toda a sua generosidade e humor. Quando a sua doença se iniciou e nos dias melhores cheguei a brincar com ele por isso e a compará-lo com o personagem do filme "A vida é Bela" e era assim que o Jorge fazia, ajudando os outros e esqucendo-se muitas vezes de si, sempre com um humor presente para as suas dores.

Deixo os meus desejos de que esteja tudo bem consigo, Voltarei.

Um grande abraço