
Monday, August 11, 2008

I believe in the tomorrow's sun

Boa noite amigos,

In the aftermath of the day before, today I enjoyed another very pleasant and relaxed day, in fact it was a great day :) I went to a healing centre outside London, it was the continuation of a process that I was introduced in the time when I was hospitalised in UCL Hospital in London. It was a session of meditation and relaxation based in a method similar to Reiki, you lying down in a couch and the master through his hands using a gentle and localised massage in some parts of your body past to you good energy. With the help of your coordinated breath you reach a stadium of relaxation. This is used normally in the hospital to deal with patients with nasty diseases submitted to a strong stress. Not only the session but the atmosphere and the landscape were unbelievably beautiful. After we went out and from the top of the hill we could sight some other smaller mountains around, we could imagine how many more paradises it was hidden in the horizon. For our delight and Olivia’s even if the weather was not inviting the birds stubbornly kept sang. In the way back we went to my friend Shuby’s house and enjoyed a calm afternoon with the family under the supervision of Taz.

About the operation I still need to wait for tomorrow to have the confirmation that for sure will gone happen this Thursday. But I was already informed today that in the case that the surgery go ahead I will be admitted in the hospital already after tomorrow to be cut it part of my sausage :) (Julian it was the best description I ever heard for Pancreas).

If the life is something unpredictable that could make us facing some obstacles, the same life could give us the most beautiful thing, another life. This because my sister just entered this evening to a maternity labour, By this time she had started some small contraptions, Good luck for you Leta. And to my mum also my honour, she has been brave all the time, now between the creation of a new life and the save of another one. Kisses for you &

For all of you
PS: picture is in Douro (North of Portugal)
(courtesy from Sofia)

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