
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Brightness behind the darkness


Another weekend left behind, and another week is ahead, even if I am not working at the moment but for me also the weekend means more relaxing and resting time. The week means not work but exams, visits to doctors and troubles. Tomorrow I will need to go to the UCL Hospital to have a regular appointment with the diabetes team, time to discuss and see what is the appropriate levels of insulin I should administrate to myself. Afternoon I am planning to go to the nurse to remove three stitches in my leg, related with the biopsy to the skin to check from which substance I had allergy. More forward in the week I will meet again with the surgeon probably to speak about the last operation and I hope to set a date already around this month for the next surgery.

This afternoon reserved us such a great surprise and honour, having the visit of my lovely friends Ian Small & Renee in our house to share the lunch brilliantly cooked by my mum, a delicious Caldeirada de Peixe (Fish Stew). Ian as I told to him already was my inspiration for all what did come after they diagnosed me with the terrible Cancer in a time that I was not still prepared to manage with that concept. The first day the nurse dropped me in the room where Ian was, I was alone and just remember to cry like a child perhaps 5 minutes if not for sure 2 hours, I could not understand the world any more, at that time I was convinced that address would be my last one.

But if I went deep in that day I also found the structures that would helped me to turn over the situation afterwards. I remember that I desperately needed to speak with some friend, and fortunately I had the visit in that afternoon of Sofia, Patricia, Filipa and Marta, what did not allow me to go even deeper. At the very beginning I did not imagine the high calibre of human being was beside me, only after a couple of hours I realised the intensity and love that was irradiating from the other bed where was Ian and Renee. The atmosphere that I was expecting to meet in the room of the Hospital it was not there, instead of the claim and cry was there the laugh and the positive attitude, instead of selfish was there the constant worrying about you and an advice and an unexpectable and friendly word that never allowed you to go downer. He is a person who taught me how to live the day, with the lesson of his small chocolate bar. Is confuse but Life pass always for our Today.

In the end that room revealed such enrichment for my personality. In spite of the fateful of all who were sharing the room we all saw our family grown with the friends we met there, this includes Richard and Derek. These two friends and family also connected by their father in time hospitalised in the some room and were always ready for a friendly word and to help with anything.

No doubt about that is always possible to discover behind the darkness the brightness.

Today the life paid back us with a great afternoon, after a month it was like a dream that come true facing again Ian and Renee. Now, Ian and myself without the support of any drips and able to share a nice meal on the table in the warmth and privacy of our own family.

Another great day


Luís Ganhão said...

Fish "Caldeirada" and a visit from a Friend... fantastic. Really we should stop sometimes and think about the "simple pleasures".

Hélder, huge kisses to all of you (your mother included).

Please send also our love to Ian.

Anonymous said...

Family is the right word... it is a privilege to be part of your extended family.
Big smile to all of you.


Patricia said...

Olá helder,

Que bom ver-te a ti e ao Ian na tua cama a sorrir e conversar!!!!!
Tu realmente és a pessoa mais fantástica e forte que alguma conheci... muita força amigo!
Que boas notícias, a tua recuperação vai correr maravilhosamente,serás um case study ; )
Continua a escrever, é mto bom poder patilhar esta jornada contigo, estamos sempre por perto...
Um beijo enorme para ti e para as tuas três fadas, que te dão tanto amor e carinho para que possas recuperar.
