
Friday, October 9, 2009

Dry hydrotherapy

Finally my hydrotherapy had its first day, with the only problem of been too dried, literally without any water, It is known as the dry hydrotherapy, I suppose it is a new methodology. I was almost sure she mentioned last time that I should go to the water, Next appointment I still will ask her if it was my confusion or she had changed the plan.
Anyway, without water neither without fire I had my session with a physiotherapist, It was short session but she taught me some exercises directed to the Pelvis area. According to her that part of my body is not flexible at all, even there is some exercises that looked I had forgotten how to do it. This happens probably because of the several cuts that been made around the abdomen what consequently made me lost the feeling in larges parts of the abdomen. Next week she will take me to the Gym to practice in some special machines. Above all , today when I wanted to feel pain to explain to the physiotherapist, that pain was away. It is always like that even the pain can abandoned you when you most needed.

This new reality come giving reason to Justyna when she wanted to enroll us for a dancing course, this with lead to exercise the pelvis, When I said that intention to the Ms. physiotherapist she was very embarrassed, only after I realised what she understood about dancing, Other type of dancing, more primitive. I needed to explain and undo the unclear remark. Nevertheless it gives me more ideas and Justyna will be more involved in my Pelvis recover :)


Carla said...

Olá Helder e Princesas!

Pelo que descreves o tratamento que estás a fazer designa-se por "calor húmido". Estava a achar muito piscina...
Agora a recuperação da pelvis, pois desejo que a Justina se envolva bastante e que puxem pela imaginação. Os teóricos defendem o envolvimento da família na recuperação do doente, pois então que se envolva!!


Carla Damásio

Luís Ganhão said...

Let's have a new Star in Town, who wants Elvis...

Now it's time for "Helder the Pelvis"


Abraços e Beijinhos,

Luís Ganhão, Nucha e Gabriela (ainda na barriga da Nucha :-) )