
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Olivia in the Park

Well this what you see above is what is helping me to recover, Some days are really hard, today we had the visit of Rafi & Casha, it was good time, only after lunch when we went out for a short walk I did not feel great, some pain that made me want to come home and relax.

Now I am more calm and ready to rest and wishing a better tomorrow for us.

And the best week for all of you

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Muitos parabéns à Olivia pelos seus passinhos! E parabéns também aos orgulhosos papás :D

A tua scare é bem jeitosa há-de estar de acordo com a batalha travada e há-de simbolizar mais um grande sucesso ;) Confiança...
E agora, para o dia a dia, é preciso relax... Baby steps!

Muitos beijos e abraços

prima Ana