
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Relaxing time

If I tell you what I did in my day, for sure the ones who know me better will tell, This is not Helder. So, there it goes, The Morning I spent reading a book in between the breakfast and the lunch. The Afternoon I tried to go on with the Puzzle that I already initiated but duet of its high difficult grade I am stuck in the frame, But what most surprised me it was to see myself passing around five hours drawing and painting the landscape from my bed, Nothing very beautiful but it was very colourful and meticulous job. Though not planned certainly the disease is helping me to make me a more calm and sensitive man.

Although the Cancer that does not give me the quality of live that I was use to, I am compensating with other moments of joy that no other way I could experiment. I do not leave Olivia alone a minute, and I am enjoying some moments of pure peace and rest. Reading, writing, drawing, and chatting without timetable is great :) I thought before, I only could find the balance of my life with completely different things.

It was good to have a quite day as tomorrow I will be set for another busy day, I will be checked in the Royal Free Hospital how my body is coping with chemotherapy, I will need to do some blood testes and after speak with the oncologist. In the afternoon I will do another trip to the UCL Hospital to give more units of semen.


Unknown said...

Olá Helder

Fiquei curioso em relação à tua veia artistica, já pensaste em colocar aqui no blog um dos teus desenhos ? Ficamos à espera.

Um abraço


Rosália said...

Olá Helder

Tal como o Quim fiquei mt curiosa em ver os teus desenhos, continua pois acho que é uma ocupação que nos distrai imenso, eu faço azulejos e adoro, quando estamos entretidos e absorvidos no nosso hobby dá imenso prazer e ver o resultado final...é espetacular!!!

Pedro said...

venham lá esses desenhos! Não te acanhes.


Manuela Esteves said...

Olá Hélder

passei a ser fã do teu blogue que leio todos os dias; não tenho feito comentários porque me tem sido difícil.

Muitas felicidades e muitos beijinhos para vocês os três, uma família muito linda


Anonymous said...

Olá Helder

Anonymous said...

Olá Helder

O comentário anterior era também nosso, mas como estamos a aprender a deixar comentários, visto já não sabermos as passwords criadas nos primeiros posts.

Como te tens sentido. Esperemos que te encontres melhor de saúde, com força, com espírito de enfrentar diariamente a "tua" luta..

Votos de melhoras da Família Batista ( Carmo, Fernando, Tiago, Nelson e Inês)